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Amadeus (1984)

PG Drama, Music/Musical

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Gripping human drama. Sumptuous period epic. Glorious celebration of the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This marvelous winner of eight Academy Awards(R) portrays the rivalry between the genius Mozart (Tom Hulce) and the jealous court composer (Best Actor Oscar(R) Winner F. Murray Abraham) who may have ruined Mozart's career and shortened his life.

  • Directed by
    Milos Forman
  • Written by
  • Starring
    F. Murray Abraham
    Tom Hulce
    Elizabeth Berridge
    Roy Dotrice
    Simon Callow
    Christine Ebersole
    Jeffrey Jones
    Charles Kay
    Kenny Baker
    Lisbeth Bartlett
    Roderick Cook
    Cynthia Nixon
    Brian Pettifer
    Douglas Seale
    Vincent Schiavelli
    Patrick Hines
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