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3 Americas (2007)

NR Drama

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It's the end of spring in Boston, Massachusetts. With summer approaching, 16 year-old América has two issues, or so she thinks. She hates school and her aunt Carolina's alcoholic husband, Joey. She passes the days shoplifting, hanging out with her friends and trying to avoid Joey. But after a life-changing event, América, whose Spanish is limited, is sent to Buenos Aires, Argentina to live with her reclusive and anti-American grandmother, Lucía América Campos. In Argentina, América struggles to find her place. An entertaining and thought-provoking coming of age tale with a decisive reference to the Latino American experience.

  • Directed by
    Cristina Cornejo
  • Starring
    Kristen Gonzalez
    Gy Mirando
    Gilberto Arribas
    Jaime Sanchez
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