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4 Little Girls (1997)

NR Documentary

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Spike Lee tells the full story of the 1963 bombing of a black church in Birmingham, Alabama that killed four little girls and became a defining moment in the history of America's civil-rights movement.

  • Directed by
    Spike Lee
  • Starring
    Ralph Abernathy
    Bill Baxley
    James Bevel
    Albert Boutwell
    Taylor Branch
    David Brinkley
    Robert Chambliss
    Gerald Colbert
    Eugene 'Bull' Connor
    Bill Cosby
    Walter Cronkite
    John Cross
    Ossie Davis
    James Farmer
    Arthur Hanes Jr.
    Eddie Holcey
    Freeman Hrabowski Iii
    Jesse Jackson
    Nicholas Katzenbach
    Martin Luther King
    Spike Lee
    Morris Marshall
    Chris Mc Nair
    Harold Mc Nair
    Ricky Powell
    Howell Raines
    Fred Lee Shuttlesworth
    David J. Vann
    Wyatt Tee Walker
    George Wallace
    Reggie White
    Tommy Wrenn
    Andrew Young
    Dianne Braddock
    Carolyn Lee Brown
    Lillie Brown
    Addie Mae Collins
    Junie Collins
    Barbara Cross
    Faye Davis
    Janie Gaines
    Billie Harris
    Mahalia Jackson
    Coretta Scott King
    Shirley Wesley King
    Doris Lockhart
    Carolyn M. Mc Kinstry
    Denise Mc Nair
    Maxine Mc Nair
    Diane Nash
    Barbara Nunn
    Queen Nunn
    Helen Pegues
    Alpha Robertson
    Wamo Reed Robertson
    Carole C. Smitherman
    Florence Terrell
    Rhonda Nunn Thomas
    Cynthia Wesley
    Gwendolyn White
    Nadean S. Williams
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