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42nd Street (1933)

NR Classics, Comedy, Drama

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An ailing Broadway director returns to produce one final show, but his leading lady is injured and must be replaced by a novice.

  • Directed by
    Lloyd Bacon
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Warner Baxter
    Bebe Daniels
    George Brent
    Ruby Keeler
    Una Merkel
    Guy Kibbee
    Ginger Rogers
    Ned Sparks
    Dick Powell
    Allen Jenkins
    Henry B. Walthall
    Edward J. Nugent
    Clarence Nordstrom
    Robert Mc Wade
    George E. Stone
    Joan Barclay
    Louise Beavers
    Wallis Clark
    Patricia Ellis
    Milton Kibbee
    Jack La Rue
    Kermit Maynard
    Rolfe Sedan
    Lyle Talbot
    Alexis Dubin
    Dave O'brien
    Charles Lane
    George Irving
    Tom Kennedy
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