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8: The Mormon Proposition (2010)

Documentary, Independent

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8: The Mormon Proposition exposes the Mormon Church's historic involvement in the promotion and passage of California's Proposition 8 and the religion's secretive campaign against gay rights. As California's anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 languished in the polls, Mormon Prophet Thomas S. Monson issued a call from Salt Lake City to millions of Mormons all over the world. His was an order to action - containing the secret code language of the highly secret Mormon temple ceremony - commanding Mormons both inside and outside of California to do all things necessary to insure the passage of California's Proposition 8. Within days, hundreds of thousands of Mormons all over the United States funneled thirty million dollars in to California to ensure the passage of Proposition 8. It wasn't until the California Fair Political Practices Commission launched an investigation into the Church's involvement did the secrets of the Mormon effort become a matter of record.

  • Directed by
    Reed Cowan
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Dustin Lance Black
    Steven Greenstreet
    Rocky Mayor Anderson
    Matt Aune
    Tyler Barrick
    Melissa Bird
    Christopher Volz
    Emily Pearson
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