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A Boy and His Dog (1975)

R Classics, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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In the post-apocalyptic future of 2024, Vic and his telepathic dog, Blood, roam the wastelands hunting for food, water and females. When Vic is lured underground by a young girl, he finds himself separated from Blood and trapped in the anachronistic society of Topeka. The Leader tells Vic he is going to be the father of a new generation, but Vic soon learns instead of hooking him up with women, the Topekans are planning to hook him up to a machine. Meanwhile Blood is above ground waiting for his human partner to return and save him from dying.

  • Directed by
    L.Q. Jones
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Don Johnson
    Susanne Benton
    Tim Mc Intire
    Jason Robards
    Charles Mc Graw
    Alvy Moore
    Helene Winston
    Hal Baylor
    Ron Feinberg
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