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A Day at the Races (1937)

NR Classics, Comedy

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Doctor Hugo Hackenbush, Tony, and Stuffy try to save Judy's farm by winning a big race with her horse. There are a few problems. Hackenbush runs a high priced clinic for the wealthy who don't know he has his degree in Veterinary Medicine.

  • Directed by
    Sam Wood
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Groucho Marx
    Chico Marx
    Harpo Marx
    Allan Jones
    Maureen O'sullivan
    Margaret Dumont
    Leonard Ceeley
    Douglas Dumbrille
    Esther Muir
    Sig Rumann
    Hooper Atchley
    Frankie Darro
    Pat Flaherty
    Si Jenks
    Carole Landis
    Charles Trowbridge
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