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A Good Day to Be Black & Sexy (2007)

R African-American Dramas, Dramas, Independent Dramas

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In six vignettes set over the course of a single day in Los Angeles, writer-director Dennis Dortch's provocative indie drama delves into the complex world of love, relationships and sexuality in the black community. From a woman who puts her own pleasure first to a teenager pondering her boyfriend's flaws, Dortch's directorial debut explores societal taboos, challenges common double standards and confronts all-too-familiar stereotypes.

  • Directed by
    Dennis Dortch
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Valley Jones
    Chonte Harris
    Alphonso Johnson
    Marcuis Harris
    Emily Liu
    La Keisha Blackwell
    Raymond Ma
    Chris Yen
    Allen Maldonado
    Jerome Anthony Hawkins
    Kathryn Taylor
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