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A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

R Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure

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Bruce Willis is back in action -- mind-blowing, heart-stopping, rip-roaring action -- as John McClane, the heroic New York cop with a knack for being in the wrong place at the right time. John's latest predicament takes him all the way to Russia to track down his estranged son, Jack (Jai Courtney), who has been imprisoned in Moscow. But the mission takes a deadly turn as father and son must join forces to thwart a nuclear weapons heist that could trigger World War III!

  • Directed by
    John Moore
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Bruce Willis
    Jai Courtney
    Sebastian Koch
    Yulia Snigir
    Cole Hauser
    Amaury Nolasco
    Megalyn Echikunwoke
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