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A King in New York (1957)


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When the deposed European King Shahdov arrives in New York as a new exile, he realizes he must earn a living and accidentally discovers that television commercials afford him the opportunity to do just that.

  • Directed by
    Charles Chaplin
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Robert Arden
    Phil Brown
    Clifford Buckton
    Robert Cawdron
    Charles Chaplin
    Michael Chaplin
    Tony Crombie
    Jerry Desmonde
    Alan Gifford
    Harry Green
    Arthur Gross
    Tubby Hayes
    Frazer Hines
    Roy Hines
    Sidney James
    Oliver Johnston
    Kevin Kelly
    Lauri Lupino Lane
    Vincent Lawson
    Hugh Mc Dermott
    John Mc Laren
    Mac Donald Parke
    Michael Saunders
    Richard Shaw
    Gareth Tandy
    Nicholas Tanner
    David Tilley
    George Truzzi
    Howard Vaughn
    George Woodbridge
    Ross Yeo
    Dawn Addams
    Maxine Audley
    Pat Gibson
    Wendy Graham
    Lilian Grassom
    Penelope Horner
    Jemma Hyde
    Joan Ingram
    Jeanette Jacobs
    Pauline Keen
    Joy Nichols
    Jose Read
    Yvonne Romain
    Antoinette Seaborn
    Bernice Swanson
    Shani Wallis
    Gillian Watt
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