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A Night at the Opera (1935)

TVG Comedy

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The zany Marx Brothers turn an operatic performance into chaos in their efforts to promote their protege's romance with the leading lady.

  • Directed by
    Sam Wood
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Groucho Marx
    Harpo Marx
    Chico Marx
    Kitty Carlisle
    Walter Woolf King
    Edward Keane
    Sig Rumann
    Allan Jones
    Margaret Dumont
    Robert Emmett O'connor
    Harry Allen
    Al Bridge
    Gino Corrado
    Billy Gilbert
    Rodolfo Hoyos Jr.
    Selmer Jackson
    Marx Brothers
    Purnell B. Pratt
    Rolfe Sedan
    Phillips Smalley
    Harry Tyler
    Leo White
    George Guhl
    George Irving
    Jonathan Hale
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