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Alfie (1966)

NR Classics, Comedy, Drama

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ALFIE is not really a bad sort. It's just that he has this overwhelming desire for the opposite sex. You might say that "birds" are irresistible to him, sort of second nature. With Michael Caine in the title role, ALFIE is a ribald and wild comedy, filled with sex and sin. For those who want to be entertained, ALFIE is charming, delightful and quick-moving. For those who want more, there is, beneath the surface, a lingering tragedy, simply and poignantly told about the taker and the taken.

  • Directed by
    Lewis Gilbert
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Michael Caine
    Shelley Winters
    Millicent Martin
    Julia Foster
    Jane Asher
    Shirley Ann Field
    Vivien Merchant
    Eleanor Bron
    Denholm Elliott
    Alfie Bass
    Graham Stark
    Murray Melvin
    Harry Locke
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