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All I've Got (2002)

NR Drama, Foreign, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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A 72-year-old grandmother dies and finds herself on a ferry which will take her across the river to the hereafter. On the ferryboat she meets her first love, who was killed in a road accident in which they were both involved when they were young. She is presented with a fateful choice: to start life afresh as a 22-year- old - her age at the time of the accident - and to relinquish all her memories of the life she has lived; or to remain a 72-year-old woman with all her life's memories intact.

  • Directed by
    Keren Marglit
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Lea Szlanger
    Nathan Gogan
    Igal Naor
    Sylwia Trzesniowska
    Amit Drori
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