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All She Wants for Christmas (2006)

G Comedy, Romance

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Monica Keena of Dawson's Creek and Entourage stars as Noelle Dunn, a small-town woman with big business dreams working as an efficiency expert at the local Christmas ornament company. But there's trouble in store for her once-merry city, including financial struggles for the factory, an incoming MegaMart, and a charming stranger (Tobias Mehler of Young Blades, Stargate SG-1) who may not be what he seems.

  • Directed by
    Ron Oliver
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Monica Keena
    Tobias Mehler
    Steve Bacic
    Ali Liebert
    Sonya Salomaa
    Denise Galik
    Nelson Wong
    Terry David Mulligan
    John Dadey
    Morgan Brayton
    Marsha Regis
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