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An Alternative Reality: The Football Manager Documentary (2014)

Documentary, Independent, Sports

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Featuring contributions from some of Football Manager’s creators and famous fans from the worlds of football and entertainment, 'An Alternative Reality: The Football Manager Documentary' will examine the game’s enduring appeal and how it has seeped into and influenced the culture of the world’s favourite game.

  • Directed by
    Louis Myles
  • Starring
    Ciarán Brennan
    David Ricketts
    Graham Lewis
    Paolo Nutini
    Paul Foster
    Ole Gunnar Solskjær
    Vicky Mc Clure
    Demetrio Albertini
    Andros Townsend
    Matthew Coliandris
    Patrick Mc Garvey
    Andy Stevenson
    Alison Lombardi
    Miles Jacobson
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