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Anita O'Day: The Life of a Jazz Singer (2009)

Documentary, Music Documentaries

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Anita O'Day was one of the greatest American Jazz singers and this critically acclaimed award-winning documentary tells her astonishing story - a journey of survival, and above all the enduarance of her talent, told in a number of frank interviews with her and with those who knew her. Her career was long and eventful, spanning seven decades; her last album recorded when she was 84. Anita O'Day only ever wanted to be a singer and the film showcases performances that date back to the 50's with such artists as Gene Krupa, Roy Eldridge, Stan Kenton.

  • Directed by
    Anita O'day
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Ian Mc Crudden
    Robbie Cavolina
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