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Arachnophobia (1990)

PG13 Action & Adventure, Comedy, Horror

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Hollywood Pictures and Amblin Entertainment deliver the year's most electrifying big-screen roller coaster ride of a movie! Everyone is afraid of something. For Dr. Ross Jennings (Jeff Daniels), his phobia is downright embarrassing. But when he moves his family to a small town, the one thing that bugs him most is now harming the townspeople at an alarming rate. For this unlikely hero, overcoming a childhood fear of spiders might just save the community, but it may already be too late! Directed by Frank Marshall (Executive Producer, Back to the Future, Producer, Raiders of the Lost Ark) and also starring John Goodman, this critically acclaimed breathtaking hit entertains with its terrific mix of thrills, chills, and laughter!

  • Directed by
    Frank Marshall
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Jeff Daniels
    Harley Jane Kozak
    John Goodman
    Julian Sands
    Stuart Pankin
    Brian Mc Namara
    Mark L. Taylor
    Henry Jones
    Peter Jason
    James Handy
    Roy Brocksmith
    Kathy Kinney
    Mary Carver
    Frances Bay
    Chance Boyer
    Lois De Banzie
    Garette Ratliff Henson
    Michael Steve Jones
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