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Atlantic City (1981)

R Comedy, Drama

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The people and the story are magnetic; the background is the city of dreams that almost came true. Atlantic City is revitalized as a resort when gambling is legalized. But the new industry also brings unsettling changes. For Lou (Burt Lancaster), 40 years and bodyguard-boyfriend to aging beauty queen Grace (Kate Reid), his numbers-running sideline escalates to mob involvement. A drug-related slaying leaves him with a small fortune, a new car and a new girl, Sally (Susan Sarandon), who is the perfect completion of his fantasy.

  • Directed by
    Louis Malle
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Burt Lancaster
    Susan Sarandon
    Michel Piccoli
    Kate Reid
    Robert Joy
    Hollis Mc Laren
    Al Waxman
    Moses Znaimer
    Harvey Atkin
    Sean Mc Cann
    Louis Del Grande
    Norma Dell'agnese
    Robert Goulet
    Cec Linder
    Angus Mac Innes
    John Mc Curry
    Wallace Shawn
    Sean Sullivan
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