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Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)

Drama, Sports

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Robert De Niro and Michael Moriarty star in this superbly crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two baseball players. Moriarty plays the team's ace pitcher and social charmer; De Niro is the catcher, a farm boy from Georgia who lacks all of Moriarty's sophistication. He is also dying. During their last season together on a team fraught with bickering and infighting, the two men grow into manhood and respect for themselves and each other. Bang the Drum Slowly is moving without being sentimental and is filled with tenderness, humor, honesty and brilliant acting.

  • Directed by
    John D. Hancock
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Vincent Gardenia
    Robert De Niro
    William Badalato
    Phil Foster
    Pierrino Mascarino
    Ann Wedgeworth
    Tom Signorelli
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