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Beer (1985)

R Comedy

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An advertising firm, desperate to keep an account from a financially-ailing brewery, concocts a macho ad campaign centering on three losers who inadvertently prevent a robbery at a bar -- in the process making the beer #1 in America.

  • Directed by
    Patrick Kelly
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Donald Acree
    Doug Anderson
    Charlie Barnett
    Joseph Battle
    John Bennes
    Robert Blumenfeld
    Charles Bolender
    John Corbett
    Terry Elik
    Donald Ewer
    Drew Geraci
    Peter Michael Goetz
    David Alan Grier
    Jesse Holmes
    Matthew Kimbrough
    David Lipman
    Richard Litt
    Gene Mack
    Ralph Manza
    Gino Marrocco
    Kenneth Mars
    John Meanes
    Steve Mittleman
    William Mooney
    Willy Nickels
    Ray O'connor
    Alan C. Peterson
    William Russ
    Jan Saint
    Jeff Scott
    Dick Shawn
    Maurice Shrog
    Jonathan Slaff
    Saul Stein
    Roy K. Stevens
    W.M. Supernaw
    Rip Torn
    Gerald Vichi
    David Wohl
    Robert Wolberg
    Jade Bari
    Tracey Berg
    Rosalyn Braverman
    Jean Bruno
    Cassandra Danz
    Sharon Dyer
    Caitlin Hicks
    Elena Kudaba
    Deena Levy
    Julie Mc Leod
    Loretta Swit
    Renn Woods
    Amy Wright
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