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Ben-Hur (1959)

TVPG Action, Adventure, Drama

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After his boyhood friend Messala's fanatic loyalty to Rome makes him a powerful enemy, Judah Ben-Hur is found guilty of an attempted murder he did not commit. His family is banished and he is enslaved on a warship. Through his ferocity in a raging sea battle, he is able to escape and become a horse trainer. To exact his revenge, Ben-Hur decides to compete against Messala in the Roman chariot races. They race, locked in a battle to the death. Barely surviving, Ben-Hur forsakes the sword for Christ and finally finds redemption.

  • Directed by
    William Wyler
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Charlton Heston
    Jack Hawkins
    Haya Harareet
    Stephen Boyd
    Hugh Griffith
    Martha Scott
    Cathy O'donnell
    Sam Jaffe
    Finlay Currie
    Frank Thring
    Terence Longdon
    Andre Morell
    Marina Berti
    Jose Greci
    Laurence Payne
    John Horsley
    Duncan Lamont
    Ralph Truman
    Richard Hale
    Mino Doro
    Robert Brown
    Tutte Lemkow
    John Le Mesurier
    Enzo Fiermonte
    Jerry Brown
    Cliff Lyons
    Joe Canutt
    Ferdinand "Ferdy" Mayne
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