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Benda Bilili! (2011)

Documentary, Independent, Music Documentaries

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BENDA BILILI! follows an unlikely group of musicians in Kinshasa, capital of the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. The band, Staff Benda Bilili—in English, “look beyond”—is a group of street musicians composed of four paraplegics and three able bodied men. The core of the group is four singer/guitarists, who use customized tricycles to get around: Ricky, the eldest and a co-founding member of the band; Coco, the band’s composer and co-founding member with Ricky; Junana, the member most disabled by polio, yet the official choreographer; and Coude, a bass player and soprano singer. Joining them is a young and entirely acoustic rhythm section, led by Roger, a teenage prodigy on the satongé, a one-string guitar he designed and built himself out of a tin can.

  • Directed by
    Florent De La Tullaye
    Renaud Barret
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Léon Ricky Likabu
    Roger Landu
    Coco Ngambali Yakala
    Kibin Kabeya
    Paulin 'Cavalier' Kiara Maigi
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