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Bonsái (2012)


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Julio is a struggling young writer who has hit a wall. Unemployed and involved in a half-hearted relationship with his neighbor, things are finally starting to look up when he gets an interview with a renowned author to transcribe his latest work. Things don’t go as planned and Julio doesn’t get the job. Instead of admitting the truth to his girlfriend, he pretends to be transcribing the novel when he's actually writing his own story. Searching for inspiration and a plot, Julio revisits a romance he had eight years ago when studying literature. As Julio’s novel progresses, so does his fondness for the past and of the love he let slip away. Based on an internationally acclaimed novella, BONSÁI is a subtly affecting and comic examination of the lies we tell ourselves in order to get by.

  • Directed by
    Cristian Jimenez
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Diego Noguera
    Natalia Galgani
    Gabriela Arancibia
    Trinidad González
    Hugo Medina
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