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Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story (2008)

NOT RATED Documentaries

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This documentary from director Stefan Forbes examines the political and personal life of the late Lee Atwater, notorious for his no-holds-barred strategies that powered the campaign of George H.W. Bush.

  • Directed by
    Stefan Forbes
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Eric Alterman
    Lee Atwater
    James Baker Iii
    Lee Bandy
    Jack Bass
    George Bush
    George W. Bush
    Marvin Bush
    Dick Cheney
    Bill Clinton
    Joe Conason
    Mario Cuomo
    Tom De Lay
    Sam Donaldson
    Michael Dukakis
    Henry Eichel
    Tucker Eskew
    Howard Fineman
    Bryant Gumbel
    Alexander Haig
    Max Heller
    Willie Horton
    Chuck Jackson
    Ted Kennedy
    Terry Mc Auliffe
    Jim Mc Cabe
    Bruce Morton
    Robert D. Novak
    Rich Peterson
    Stephen Raper
    Ronald Reagan
    Ishmael Reed
    Ed Rollins
    Karl Rove
    Joe Sligh
    Don Sprouse
    Christopher Stark
    Roger Stone
    Steve Symms
    Strom Thurmond
    Tom Turnipseed
    Connie Chung
    Kitty Dukakis
    Mary Matalin
    Ann Richards
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