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Bowfinger (1999)

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Enjoy the fun with Eddie Murphy and Steve Martin - together for the first time in the hit comedy Bowfinger. How does Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin), Hollywood's least successful director, get Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy), Hollywood's biggest star, in his ultra low-budget film? Any way he can. With an ingenious scheme and the help of Kit's eager and nerdy brother Jiff, an ambitious and sexy wannabe (Heather Graham) and an over-the-hill diva (Christine Baranski), Bowfinger sets out to trick Kit Ramsey into the performance of a lifetime.

  • Directed by
    Frank Oz
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Adam Alexi Malle
    Nathan Anderson
    Martin Andris
    Lloyd Berman
    Claude Brooks
    Aaron Brumfield
    Adam Carrera
    John Cho
    Alfred De Contreras
    Michael Dempsey
    Robert Downey Jr.
    Ramiro Fabian
    Zaid Farid
    Brian Freia
    Kevin Grevioux
    Kimble Jemison
    Jamie Kennedy
    Carl Kocis
    Phill Lewis
    Alex Craig Mann
    Steve Martin
    Tiger Mendez
    Eddie Murphy
    Barry Newman
    Alejandro Patino
    Walter Powell
    John Prosky
    Brogan Roche
    Johnny Sanchez
    Kevin Scannell
    Terence Stamp
    Kohl Sudduth
    Steve J. Termath
    Christine Baranski
    Kimberly Baum
    Michelle Boehle
    Megan Denton
    Laura Grady
    Heather Graham
    Reamy Hall
    Janet Jaeger
    Marisol Nichols
    Andrea Toste
    Hope Wood
    Addie Yungmee
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