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Bullitt (1968)

PG Action, Action & Adventure, Classics

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Action star Steve McQueen is at his dynamic best as a San Francisco cop assigned to guard a star witness who soon ends up dead. This is the definitive detective thriller, featuring one of the screen's greatest car chases.

  • Directed by
    Peter Yates
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Steve Mc Queen
    Robert Vaughn
    Jacqueline Bisset
    Don Gordon
    Robert Duvall
    Simon Oakland
    Norman Fell
    Justin Tarr
    Carl Reindel
    Felice Orlandi
    Vic Tayback
    Ed Peck
    John Aprea
    Joanna Cassidy
    Al Checco
    Paul Genge
    Bill Hickman
    Robert Lipton
    Pat Renella
    Suzanne Somers
    Georg Stanford Brown
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