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Captain Blood (1935)

NR Action & Adventure, Adventure, Classics

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Irish doctor Peter Blood is wrongly sentenced to deportation and slavery to the Caribbean. There he plans an escape and now seeking vengeance, forms an alliance with the French buccaneer Rathbone.

  • Directed by
    Michael Curtiz
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Errol Flynn
    Olivia De Havilland
    Basil Rathbone
    Lionel Atwill
    Ross Alexander
    Guy Kibbee
    Henry Stephenson
    Robert H. Barrat
    Hobart Cavanaugh
    Donald Meek
    Jessie Ralph
    Forrester Harvey
    Frank Sr. Mc Glynn
    Holmes E. Herbert
    David Torrence
    J. Carrol Naish
    Vernon Steele
    Reginald Barlow
    E.E. Clive
    Harry Cording
    Mary Forbes
    Halliwell Hobbes
    Murray Kinnell
    Alphonse Martell
    Chris Pin Martin
    Leonard Mudie
    Frank Puglia
    Georges Renavent
    Ivan Simpson
    Pedro De Cordoba
    Tom Wilson
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