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Cat People (1942)

NR Drama, Horror

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The classic atmospheric horror film about a young newlywed who is stricken by an ancient curse that turns her into a bloodthirsty panther. Starring Simone Simon ("Curse of the Cat People") and Tom Conway (The "Falcon" series). Featuring stellar black and white photography. Selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 400 best American films of all time. Inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry.

  • Directed by
    Jacques Tourneur
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Simone Simon
    Kent Smith
    Tom Conway
    Jane Randolph
    Jack Holt
    Alan Napier
    Elizabeth Dunne
    Elizabeth Russell
    Henrietta Burnside
    Alec Craig
    Eddie Dew
    Dot Farley
    Theresa Harris
    Murdock Mac Quarrie
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