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Chungking Express (1995)


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Cult filmmaker Wong Kar Wai's hugely influential breakthrough film is a supremely stylish combination of love story and thriller, set in and around Hong Kong's infamous Chungking Mansions, a vast complex of shabby hostels, bars and clubs. The film tells the stories of two lovelorn cops (Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and the women with whom they become involved: a mysterious blonde-wigged drug dealer (Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia), and an impulsive young dreamer (Faye Wong). Featuring a charismatic cast, a cool pop sound-track and stunning photography by Christopher Doyle, Chunking Express is an unconventional and dazzlingly original modern day film noir.

  • Directed by
    Wong Kar Wai
  • Starring
    Takeshi Kaneshiro
    Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia
    Tony Leung Chiu Wai
    Yi Kan Chan
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