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Conversations with God (2006)

PG Drama

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Based on Neale Donald Walsch's best-selling books, Conversations with God chronicles the dramatic true story of a struggling man turned homeless who unexpectedly becomes a spiritual messenger. After breaking his neck in a car accident, Walsch loses his job, his home, and is reduced to begging for coins from strangers in the streets. Struggling to get back on his feet, he finds work and a place to live, but life, for him, is still unbearably hard. In the wee hours of the morning, overcome with anger and bitterness, Walsch writes an angry letter to God, demanding answers to his questions. To his eternal astonishment, he receives an answer.

  • Directed by
    Stephen Deutsch
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Henry Czerny
    Vilma Silva
    Bruce Page
    Abdul Salaam El Razzac
    Zillah Glory
    Ingrid Boulting
    Michael A. Goorjian
    Scott Cervine
    Douglas Rowe
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