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Cria Cuervos... (1976)

NR Drama, Foreign, International

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Carlos Saura's exquisite CRIA CUERVOS... heralded a turning point in Spain: shot while General Franco was on his deathbed, the film melds the personal and the political in a portrait of the legacy of fascism and its effects on a middle-class family (the title derives from the Spanish proverb: "Raise ravens and they"ll peck out your eyes"). Ana Torrent (the dark-eyed beauty from The Spirit of the Beehive) portrays the disturbed eight-year-old Ana, living in Madrid with her two sisters and mourning the death of her mother, whom she conjures as a ghost (an ethereal Geraldine Chaplin). Seamlessly shifting between fantasy and reality, the film subtly evokes both the complex feelings of childhood and the struggles of a nation emerging from the shadows.

  • Directed by
    Carlos Saura
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Geraldine Chaplin
    Monica Randal
    Florinda Chico
    Ana Torrent
    Hector Alterio
    Mirta Miller
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