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Cut (2000)

R Comedy, Horror, Suspense

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1985. The cast and crew of the horror flick HOT BLOODED are learning first hand what it means to be stalked by a masked killer. When the director is viciously murdered on set, the production is shut down and the film locked away, incomplete. But every time the footage is screened, somebody dies... Fourteen years later, a group of enthusiastic film students decide to finish HOT BLOODED. After shooting commences on the eerie film location, the students start to disappear one by one. Now, they just have to finish the film before it finishes them.

  • Directed by
    Kimble Rendall
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Molly Ringwald
    Frank Roberts
    Kylie Minogue
    Geoff Revell
    Jessica Napier
    Sarah Kants
    Stephen Curry
    Matt Russell
    Erika Walters
    Cathy Adamek
    Steve Greig
    Simon Bossell
    Tiriel Mora
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