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Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer (2011)

NR Horror, Suspense, Thriller

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An independent news crew, made up of reporter Maria (Danielle Harris of HALLOWEEN 4 & 5) and her cameraman Tom, investigates a series of unexplained disappearances in a small Midwestern county. The story leads them to the isolated town of Arkham Heights, where they find themselves interviewing Emmett (Lance Henriksen of THE TERMINATOR), who possesses all-too-intimate knowledge of the details of "The County Line Cannibal" - Cyrus (Brian Krause of TV's CHARMED). As Emmett interweaves the macabre life tale of Cyrus with the story of his last three victims, Maria comes closer and closer to the greatest story of her life - or what's left of it.

  • Directed by
    Mark Vadik
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Brian Krause
    Danielle Harris
    Lance Henriksen
    Wylie Allen
    Patricia Belcher
    Rae Dawn Chong
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