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David Crowe: Crooked Finger (2009)


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Describing David Crowe's stand-up reads like the beginning of the Dickens' classic, A Tale of Two Cities. "It was the smartest of shows. It was the dumbest of shows. It was erudite and sophisticated. It was physical and ridiculous. It was horrifying. It was hilarious." Crowe stormed the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with five star reviews and agglomerations of madding fans. He's won the Seattle and San Francisco comedy competitions, and has numerous appearances on Comedy Central and The Bob & Tom Radio Show. "Crooked Finger" was taped at the Triple Door Theater in downtown Seattle. It includes topical and some wild material that didn't air on his Showtime Comedy Special. See the show that the Herald called "a lethal comedy whiplash."

  • Directed by
    Steve Wilson
  • Starring
    Mike Kelly
    David Crowe
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