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Death of a President (2006)

R Documentary, Drama, News and Information

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DEATH OF A PRESIDENT is conceived as a fictional TV documentary broadcast in 2008, reflecting on a monstrous and cataclysmic event: the assassination of President George W. Bush on October 19th, 2007. The "documentary" artfully combines archival footage and carefully composed interviews presented in a respectful and dignified manner. The film doesn't advocate violence; rather, it shows its' pernicious effects. It is exciting and questioning, and it offers viewers a riveting story -- creating a provocative political thriller that reveals larger truths.

  • Directed by
    Gabriel Range
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Hend Ayoub
    Brian Boland
    Becky Ann Baker
    Robert Mangiardi
    Jay Patterson
    Jay Whittaker
    Michael Reilly Burke
    James Urbaniak
    M. Neko Parham
    Seena Jon
    Christian Stolte
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