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Defending Your Life (1991)

PG Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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A romantic comedy about an ad executive who dies in a car collision and finds himself in Judgment City, defending his life before a celestial court. When he falls in love with a fellow candidate, his interest in staying in heaven changes.

  • Directed by
    Albert Brooks
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Meryl Streep
    Rip Torn
    Lee Grant
    Buck Henry
    Shirley Mac Laine
    James Eckhouse
    Art Frankel
    Ethan Randall
    Hal Jr. Landon
    Marilyn Rockafellow
    Gary Ballard
    Wil Albert
    Newell Alexander
    Sage Allen
    Rachel Bard
    Arell Blanton
    Ernie Brown
    Sidney Chankin
    Glen Chin
    Julie Cobb
    Michael Durrell
    Greg Finley
    Mary Pat Gleason
    Lillian Lehman
    James Paradise
    Jerry Prell
    David Purdham
    Ken Thorley
    Noley Thornton
    George D. Wallace
    Time Winters
    Susan Walters
    Gary Beach
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