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Delicatessen (1991)

R Comedy, Drama, Foreign

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From the director of AMELIE (Jean-Pierre Jeunet) comes a post-apocalyptic comedy that's both bitingly hilarious and absolutely one-of-a-kind. When meat becomes so rare that it is used as currency, residents living above a delicatessen must depend on a menacingly strange butcher (Jean-Claude Dreyfus) for their supply. But when a new tenant (Dominique Pinon) arrives and takes a job as the building's handyman, he unknowingly steps into the butcher's trap... to serve him as the next meal!

  • Directed by
    Marc Caro
    Jean Pierre Jeunet
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Pascal Benezech
    Dominique Pinon
    Marie Laure Dougnac
    Jean Claude Dreyfus
    Karin Viard
    Ticky Holgado
    Anne Marie Pisani
    Boban Janevsi
    Mickael Todde
    Edith Ker
    Howard Vernon
    Chick Ortega
    Dominique Bettenfeld
    Bernard Flavien
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