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Detective Dee - Mystery of the Phantom Flame (2010)

Action & Adventure, Thriller

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"The incredible record-breaking Asian box-office sensation from the celebrated producers of The Forbidden Kingdom and Kung Fu Hustle. When a series of mysterious murders prevents the inauguration of Chinas first Empress, Detective Dee, the greatest investigative mind and Kung Fu Master of his generation, is brought back from exile to embark on a manhunt that will forever change the course of history! With a matchless performance from leading-man Andy Lau (Warlords and House of the Flying Daggers) and breathtaking action from the martial arts director of Ip Man and Ip Man 2, Detective Dee is non-stop, heart-racing entertainment in the highest traditions of Asian Action Cinema.

  • Directed by
    Tsui Hark
  • Starring
    Andy Lau
    Bingbing Li
    Carina Lau
    Li Bing Bing
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