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Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)

15A Action, Action & Adventure, Crime Movies

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In this third installment of the action-packed series, John McClane teams with civilian Zeus Carver to prevent the loss of innocent lives. McClane thought he'd seen it all, until an evil genius engages McClane, Carver and their city in a deadly game.

  • Directed by
    John Mc Tiernan
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Bruce Willis
    Jeremy Irons
    Samuel L. Jackson
    Graham Greene
    Colleen Camp
    Larry Bryggman
    Ray Aranha
    Gerry Becker
    Richard Council
    Darryl Edwards
    Birdie M. Hale
    Mischa Hausserman
    Patricia Mauceri
    Stephen Pearlman
    James Saito
    Robert Sedgwick
    Phyllis Yvonne Stickney
    Sharon Washington
    Michael Cristofer
    J.R. Horne
    John Robert Tillotson
    Victor Rojas
    Tony Travis
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