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Doctor Zhivago (1965)

PG13 Classics, Drama, Romance

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Lara inspires lechery in Komarovsky (her mother's lover who is a master at surviving whoever runs Russia) and can't compete with passion for the revolution of the man she marries, Pasha. Her true love is Zhivago who also loves his wife. Lara is the one who inspires poetry. The story is narrated by Zhivago's half brother Yevgraf, who has made his career in the Soviet Army. At the beginning of the film he is about to meet a young woman he believes may be the long lost daughter of Lara and Zhivago.

  • Directed by
    David Lean
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Omar Sharif
    Julie Christie
    Geraldine Chaplin
    Rod Steiger
    Alec Guinness
    Tom Courtenay
    Siobhan Mc Kenna
    Ralph Richardson
    Rita Tushingham
    Jeffrey Rockland
    Tarek Sharif
    Bernard Kay
    Klaus Kinski
    Gerard Tichy
    Noel Willman
    Geoffrey Keen
    Adrienne Corri
    Jack Mac Gowran
    Erik Chitty
    Peter Madden
    Jose Maria Caffarel
    Inigo Jackson
    Maria Martin
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