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Double Dare (2005)

NOT RATED Documentaries

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Double Dare is a double-barreled, action-packed documentary about the struggles of two stunt-women in male-dominated Tinseltown to stay working, stay thin, and stay sane.

  • Directed by
    Amanda Micheli
  • Starring
    Alec Baldwin
    Gary Busey
    Terry Frick
    Ken Howard
    Terry Leonard
    Ken Lesco
    Mark Lutz
    Conrad E. Palmisano
    Ted Raimi
    Steven Spielberg
    Quentin Tarantino
    Woo Ping Yuen
    Deborah Abbott
    Kimberly Amato
    Zoë Bell
    May Boss
    Lynda Carter
    Eurlyne Epper
    Jeannie Epper
    Tsianina Joelson
    Lucy Lawless
    Victoria Pratt
    Monica Staggs
    Claire Stansfield
    Alexandra Tydings
    Adrienne Wilkinson
    Wendy Woody
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