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E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

PG Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure

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Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore and Robert MacNaughton star in the unforgettable story of a lost alien and the 10-year-old boy who helps him find his way home. Digitally remastered for optimal picture and sound, this astounding story is sure to thrill viewers of all ages again with its timeless message of trust, courage, and the overwhelming power of friendship.

  • Directed by
    Steven Spielberg
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Henry Thomas
    Dee Wallace
    Robert Mac Naughton
    Drew Barrymore
    Peter Coyote
    Debra Winger
    K.C. Martel
    Sean Frye
    Erika Eleniak
    C. Thomas Howell
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