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Eden of the East: King of Eden (2009)

NR Action, Anime, Drama

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Takizawa prevented Japan's destruction - and then he vanished. Six months later, clues lead Saki to the Big Apple in search of her missing friend. Meanwhile, the remaining Selecao are plotting their final move. Some of them would prefer Takizawa dead and out of the way. Some might even be willing to help him achieve his goals. Unfortunately, some are prepared to destroy everything if it means claiming checkmate in Mr. Outside's puzzling game.

  • Directed by
    Kenji Kamiyama
  • Starring
    Christine Auten
    John Burgmeier
    Leah Clark
    Takuya Eguchi
    John Gremillion
    Saori Hayami
    Nobuyuki Hiyama
    Ryohei Kimura
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