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Ekti Tarar Khonje (2010)

Foreign, Independent, Romance

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Abhishek is young man in search of recognition. He relocates to the big city to figure out what the future has in store for him. In Kolkata, he encounters the quirkiness of everyday realities. Strange people bump into him at unexpected turns and make his journey a roller coaster ride. His dream of becoming a hero is intertwined with his nightmarish experiences in the city. But, Abhishek’s ability to see things in a different light keeps him going.

  • Directed by
    Avik Mukhopadhyay
  • Starring
    Indrani Mukherjee
    Dhritiman Chatterjee
    Shayan Munshi
    Arpita Chatterjee
    Madhuja Mukherjee
    Jeet Banerjee
    Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury
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