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El alma de las moscas (The Soul of Flies) (2012)


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By turns comic, poignant, absurd and profoundly moving, beautifully shot and featuring great performances from non-professional actors, "El Alma de las Moscas" tells the story of the two sons of Evaristo de la Sierra, who never met their father, and who's mutual existence they both ignored, until Evaristo sends them a letter inviting them to his funeral. When the brothers meet at a train station, where to their surprise the train hasn't gone by in years, it is the beginning of their wanderings through barren landscapes, punctuated by chance encounters with the weird and wonderful characters that inhabit that land, such as a suicidal narcoleptic; a man with serious anger issues towards funerals; a bunch of thieving musicians and a young woman in love with the spring, who try, in one way or another, to guide them in their journey to their father's funeral through paths made of memories, fables, solitude and dreams.

  • Directed by
    Jonathan Cenzual Burley
  • Starring
    Andrea Calabrese
    Javier Sáez
    Felix Cenzual
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