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End of Watch (2012)

R Action, Adventure, Drama

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From the writer of Training Day comes a gripping, action-packed cop drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña. In their mission to abide by their oath to serve and protect, Officers Brian Taylor and Mike Zavala have formed a powerful brotherhood to ensure they both go home at the end of watch. But nothing can prepare them for the violent backlash that happens after they pull over the members of a notorious drug cartel for a routine traffic stop.

  • Directed by
    David Ayer
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Michael Pena
    Anna Kendrick
    Natalie Martinez
    America Ferrera
    Frank Grillo
    David Harbour
    Maurice Compte
    Cody Horn
    Richard Cabral
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