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Festival Express (2004)

R Documentary, Music/Musical

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In the summer of 1970, some of the era's biggest rock stars took to the rails for Festival Express, a multi-artist, multi-city concert tour that captured the spirit and imagination of a generation. What made it unique was that it was portable; for five days, the bands and performers lived, slept, rehearsed and let loose aboard a customized train that traveled from Toronto, to Winnipeg, to Calgary, with each stop culminating in a mega-concert. The entire experience was filmed both off-stage and on.

  • Directed by
    Bob Smeaton
  • Starring
    The Band
    Delaney & Bonnie & Friends
    The Flying Burrito Brothers
    The Grateful Dead
    Buddy Guy Blues Band
    Ian And Sylvia And Great Speckled Bird
    Janis Joplin
    Sha Na Na
    Eric Andersen
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