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First Love (2012)

Documentary, Independent, Sports

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This feature length film follows the lives of three passionate young girls from Phillip Island and documents their trip to Hawaii – the first step on their journey to making a career out of surfing. 17-year-old Jess Laing has grown up surfing with, and competing against, her two friends Nikki van Dijk and India Payne. They're all sponsored, surf the same breaks and live within 10 minutes of each other. The girls are all different in their own ways, but one thing's for sure, they all love the same thing. But when Jess is injured everything changes. Her trip to Hawaii is replaced with surgery, recovery and rehab. It's only her love of surfing that pulls her through. With magic footage, stellar photograph and featuring Stephanie Gilmore, Bethanie Hamilton, Alana Blanchard and more, First Love First Love will surprise, entertain and inspire a generation young women.

  • Directed by
    Claire Gorman
  • Starring
    Jess Laing
    Nikki Van Dijk
    India Payne
    Stephanie Gilmore
    Fran Derham
    Clare Plueckhahn
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