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French Film (2009)

NOT RATED Comedy, Drama, Relationships & Romance

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Jed prepares to interview French cineaste and self-appointed expert on the nature of love - Thierry Grimandi. The worldly and somewhat jaded Jed is dead-set on dismissing the auteur's musings as pompous and, well French, until his own relationship with Cheryl starts to fall apart and he is forced to re-evaluate the illusive subject. Soon everyone is talking about love: his relationship counselor, drinking buddy Marcus and Marcus' girlfriend Sophie. Beginnings, endings, tricks...could the French be on to something?

  • Directed by
    Jackie Oudney
  • Written by
  • Expires in 8 hours on BBC iPlayer UK
  • Starring
    Eric Cantona
    Judy Counihan
    Rachel Connors
    Arvind Ethan David
    Stewart Le Marechal
    Anne Marie Duff
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