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From Hollywood to Hollywood (2010)


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Pushing the boundaries in new, creative and comedic ways From Hollywood to Hollywood brings you on the twisting journey of a lifetime with two brothers: reluctant gay porn actor Skyler Pierson and horrible idea having Dempster Pierson as they try to make their dream of writing and starring in their own Hollywood movie come true. But before that can happen, it would be helpful to leave gay porn behind and actually have a GOOD movie idea. Once you meet these two, you'll realize why they're undeterred by these minor details. They soon arrive in Hollywood to discover not all is what it seems in this strange, new land. Figuring out the journey to the top just may kill your dream, and possibly you too...

  • Directed by
    Scott Bushaw
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Fernando Olivares
    Jeff Bushaw
    Jonathan St. Clair
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